I am so pleased to have my poem, “Meeting the Great One,” included in the 2017 issue of Santa Fe Literary Review. The theme for this year’s journal was ‘Missed Connections.’ The publication is beautiful, filled with poetry, fiction and art from around the world. Besides the splendid print edition, there are two ways to read the journal online. Searching the review’s name online will take you there. My poem is on pg. 188 — in case you want to skip ahead! I was a shy child — obviously I grew out of that aspect of my personality. The poem is about a child who is about to meet her favorite t.v. personality at a special performance, but in the end is too frightened to approach him. It is based on a true event.
My poem “Moon Medicine” is now online in the Summer 2017 issue of Blue Heron Review entitled “The Healing Issue.” This poem is more structured than many of mine. It is near the end, so persevere. Issues are archived, so poems are always available to read at any time.
I am so thrilled my work is again included in the We’Moon Datebook! The theme for 2018 is ‘La Luna’ and the moon is depicted, described and honored in a multitude of ways. We’Moon is subtitled Gaia Rhythms for Womyn and the book includes Lunar cycles, ancient holidays and feasts, astrologic information, tips on mindful moon watching and so much more. Every week there are new meditations inspired by words and artwork. My first piece titled “Letter to Other Moons” is featured the second week in June and is actually a letter from earth’s moon to faraway sisters. In September 2018, I have a short memoir about a Grandmother walking with her young granddaughter, talking about how each perceives the moon. Later in September I have a description of a Palmist teaching her students about the Mount of the Moon which lies on the lower, outer edge of each hand.
The We’Moon datebook is available at Radiance in downtown Olympia and also at Barnes and Noble, Orca Books and many places where books, calendars and sacred arts are found. We’Moon also has a beautiful wall calendar. This year both are available in Spanish language editions. Great gifts — for self and others!
My poems “Melting Point” and “Sweet Demons” are included in the new Ice Cream anthology from World Enough Writers, an imprint of Concrete Wolf press. Patricia Fargnoli is the editor. The book is divided into 5 sections and contains work by over a hundred poets. Poignant, funny, chilling and delicious! I am so happy to have my poems included!
My poem “Hemlock at Ten” is just out in vol. 4, Issue 4, Winter 2016 of CATAMARAN Literary Reader. This is a glossy, magazine-sized journal that I first encountered in Barnes and Noble a couple of years ago. The format with its beautiful artwork, often full-page sized, and plenty of white space around the poems and stories, attracted me visually. The imagistic quality of the pieces included drew my imagination. I though to myself then, “I sure would love to have a poem in here!” The poem they accepted is based on a childhood memory of climbing a tree. I was not an adventurous child, but when my friend enticed me, I followed her up what I recall as a giant hemlock. I was terrified and terribly excited at the same time. And when she finally coaxed me down. I was never the same. I hope I captured this moment that even after more than 50 years, I cannot forget.
Another poem about my Grandmother Esther Monson Erdman appears in Volume 10 of EDGE, publication of Tahoe Writers Works, 2016. This one was inspired by a garnet ring, my birthstone, she gave me as a child. This is a beautiful journal with full-color artwork, among the poems and prose pieces.
Two of my poems, “Atropos the Fate Dismantles Her Own Altar” and “Transmogrify” are available to view on Modern Poetry Review’s website under Fall Winter 2016. The first poem is the anchor for the final section of my upcoming book, “The Fates.” The second poem is a new one about how one thing can mysteriously become another. Find them at:
My poems “Lost Twin” and “The Nine of Cups” are now on the Pontoon website which can be accessed at Http:// “Lost Twin” is about the brother of a young man I cared for on Hospice and something a woman told me when I read her palm. “The Nine of Cups” is another poem about my psychic grandmother Esther Monson Erdman. This was her favorite card and the poem explains why. The website is attractive and easy to navigate. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the other poems posted here. Thank you, Pontoon!