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Joanne the Poet - The Poetry of Joanne M. Clarkson




Two Pieces in We’Moon 2017

One of my poems and one non-fiction descriptive piece are included in the We’Moon 2017 Datebook which is on sale now!  I first encountered this lovely publication at Radiance downtown Olympia a couple of years ago when I bought this weekly calendar to help stay organized.  I thought at the time how cool it would be to have some of my writing included in this volume full of beautiful art and words.  I worked very hard last summer on my submission.  The theme was “Stardust” since 2017 is the year of the Star (after XVII of the Tarot’s Major Arcana).   My poem is titled “The Palmist’s Gift” and the non-fiction piece is “Building the House for My Goddess.”




Poem in Pinyon Commemorative Issue

My poem, “The Weatherman’s Widow,” was published in the Spring 2016 issue of Pinyon, journal of Colorado Mesa University.   This is wonderful since I also had a poem in the inaugural issue in 1996: “Braiding at Nightfall.”  I am in good company here in this substantial volume of poets writing about every imaginable aspect of nature.




“Survivor” Poem Wins Emrys Award

My poem, “Survivor,” was just published in Volume 33 2016 of Emrys Journal published by the Emrys Foundation in Greenville, SC.  It received the Nancy Dew Taylor Award given to one writer “for excellence in the art of poetry.”  The journal is beautiful and I am so pleased this poem, about a friend of mine who lost her mother as a child, received recognition.  The poem is, of course, also about me since I lost my father in a similar way.  Losing a parent as a child always leaves a mark.




Perfume River Poetry Review

My poem, “Grief Code,” has just appeared in issue #4 of Perfume River Poetry Review.  It is another nursing poems.   The print issue is beautiful but an electronic copy is also available for download at http://touranepoetrypress.com.

The theme of this issue is “A New Philosophy.”  The Vuong Quoc Vu, the editor, states in his introduction:

“I have a new philosophy: to do things less, do things smaller, to do things closer to the heart.”

                                                  –Editor’s Note

I am proud and thankful to have my voice included in this wonderful collection of poems.




First Published Poem About Bliss

My poem, “Swedish Spoon” appears in the May 2016 issue of Literary Mama.  It is a multi-generational poem with my granddaughter discovering my grandmother’s heirloom spoon.  Since this journal is online, readers can enjoy the poem with just a click!  Website is http://www.literarymama.com/

<a href=”http://www.literarymama.com/“><img src=”http://www.literarymama.com/img/site/lmcontrib-150.png” alt=”Literary Mama Contributor”></a>




“Icarus’ Sister” in Winter 2016 Issue of Minerva Rising

The theme for this issue is “Light,” and the journal includes poetry, fiction, non-fiction, photos and artwork on this topic.  The cover features candles.  I first wrote this poem in The City of Light, Paris, in 2010, after visiting the Salvador Dali Museum.  Dali has a number of depictions of the Icarus myth and I felt inspired to explore what would have happened if Icarus had a sister.  I have revised this piece several times over the years and am so glad it found a home.  The journal accepts work by women, has a small submission fee and donates to causes important to women, suicide prevention for this issue.  Thank you, Emily Shearer and Kim Brown for publishing my poem!




Northern Colorado Writers

First Place Winner!  My poem, “Klotho the Fibre Goddess Describes Fate,” was chosen by Northern Colorado Writers to receive their $1,000 prize this year.  This is by far the most money I have ever received for a poem.  It appeared in “Pooled Ink,” the group’s journal of contest winners.  Prizes were also given for fiction and non-fiction and runners-up were included.  This is a poem I have worked on for a long time.  I received an Artists Trust grant in the Fall of 2014 to complete a full-length volume of poetry.  As I worked through my new book and especially as I prepared to attend the Colrain Conference last June that focuses on putting a book of poems together, the focus of my book shifted from grief to fate.  The book has three sections, the first headed by Klotho the spinner and this is her poem.




Switchgrass Review! 

Two of my poems recently appeared in Volume 2, 2016, of this journal that describes itself as “a national journal of women’s health, history, education and transformation.”  It is co-published by the English Department at Texas A & M University and the Coastal Bend Wellness Foundation.  My poem, “Donation,” is about a woman finding a beautiful coat at a Thrift store and musing about why it was donated there.  The other poem, “All the Horses Are Dying,” is about a patient of mine who raised horses.  So honored to have my work in this lovely publication.