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Joanne the Poet - The Poetry of Joanne M. Clarkson

Workshops & Classes

Programs, Workshops, Dynamic Writing Sessions

Joanne loves to create opportunities for expression.  The programs listed below are available to community groups, libraries, clubs and organizations, individuals or as part of retreats or events.  Fees are affordable and to be arranged.  Contact the poet to schedule time and place.


Poetry Matters: From Inspiration to Publication.

This workshop begins with the craft of poetry, including numerous sparks for creativity, examples of excellent writing and exercise to sharpen writing skills.  It includes ideas for where and how to publish, share and showcase finished pieces.  This workshop is often held over two or more sessions so that participants and share what they have written.


Writing Miracles: Re-Creating Your Extraordinary Life.

All of us have moments, ranging from birth and death, to an encounter with nature, to an unexpected human kindness, that touch us profoundly.  By finding the words to describe these experiences, we preserve and define them for ourselves. By sharing them with others, we give hope and beauty to the world. Attendees may choose to write in any form: autobiography, memoir, poetry, or story.  This workshop covers everything from choosing and defining a topic to organizing, editing and finding a voice through excellent writing skills.  Useful resources will be highlighted and worksheets will be provided.


Publish Your Poetry.

How to find markets for poetry, methods for submitting, tips for staying positive in the face of rejection, and how and when to revise are all topics addressed during this workshop.  Lists of resources will be included as well as information about current trends in publishing. Other methods of showcasing poetry will be included.  Participants will leave with a plan for getting their work in print.


Poetry from the Tarot.

Use the beauty and wisdom of this ancient art form to inspire new writing and to make writing style deeply creative, connected and magical.  Joanne uses Tarot and meditation to inform her own work and to encourage talent in others.  A number of beautiful tarot decks will be available for poets to experience.  Writing prompts and tips on craft will be included.


Poetry and Story as Gift.

Usually scheduled before the Holidays, this workshop helps participants create personal, heart-felt gifts for loved ones using their writing skills.  Ideas for form and subject will be presented along with examples.  What better, more personal gift is there than preserving a memory or describing an extraordinary moment?


Poetry Walk: A Scavenger Hunt for Inspiration.

Poets gather and discuss ideas and methods for truly noticing the world around them and how to translate the poetic view into language.   A list of things to look for and gather will be provided, but writers are encouraged to free-spool their imagination.  After an hour or so of walking and scavenging, the group will re-form, write and share their inspirations.

Contact Joanne for more information and bookings.