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Joanne the Poet - The Poetry of Joanne M. Clarkson



A Book of Witness

Now that I have begun giving readings from my newly minted poetry collection, “Hospice House,” I have been asked over and over to ‘say what the book is about.’ Or…Read More »



“Hospice House” New Poetry Collection from MoonPath Press

I am so pleased to announce the release of my new poetry collection, “Hospice House,” from MoonPath Press. The book contains 65 poems. Some are inspired by patients and families…Read More »



Which Poem Was It?

There is a chapter in my book, “There’s Always a Miracle, True Stories of Life Before and After Death,” about when, as a Hospice Nurse, a read a poem to…Read More »



Wound Nurse Poem in HEAL

My poem “Wound Nurse” is now up in the online version of HEAL: Humanism Evolving through Arts and Literature, the literary journal of the College of Medicine at Florida State…Read More »