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Joanne the Poet - The Poetry of Joanne M. Clarkson

Poem in January 2020 AJN

My poem, “Intimacy of Water,” is in the January 2020 issue of the American Journal of Nursing (AJN)!!! It can be read online by googling the magazine, clicking on Table of Contents and then “Art of Nursing,” which is a monthly feature. I have sent work into this premier nursing publication a couple of times our the years and felt moved to submit again this fall. I can hardly express how happy I am to have my writing appear in a place that I consider my nursing periodical Bible!

And I am happy they chose this poem which shows me that I can still practice my nursing in specific ways even after I am retired. Things that we do that we love make the best poems perhaps. This poem expresses my love of nursing, my affection for my neighbor and my confidence in myself self in my role of compassionate caregiver.

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