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Joanne the Poet - The Poetry of Joanne M. Clarkson

New Book Is Here: “There’s Always a Miracle, True Stories of Life Before and After Death”

For years I have thought about writing down my experiences with death – and the afterlife.  Mysterious things have happened to me personally.  In addition, I have had brushes with the other side through my patients, especially Hospice patients.

I have written many poems about people’s final moments – the suffering, the connections, the unexpected beauty.  But I felt to reach the widest audience I needed to put these stories down in a style more factual than imagistic.

In January of this year, I was seized by the notion that I HAD to write my stories.  I needed to do it NOW.  No matter what I did to avoid – not the small, quiet voice – but the very loud insistent voice – it wouldn’t go away.  So sat down at my computer and began typing.  I chose a story from my own life to begin, the very sad events surrounding my grandfather’s later life and passing.  I figured if I could get through this tale of heartbreak, I could manage anything.

I wrote another personal story and then started on the ones about patients.  I knew I needed to change the names to preserve confidentiality, but I found the words wouldn’t come unless I used real names.  I could substitute others later.  As I recalled the amazing events of each person’s life and death, I felt him or her telling me what to say, how to say it.

Every single morning I got up and wrote for an hour or two. Once I got all 24 stories composed, I began to go back and smooth them out, adding or subtracting details, working with the words to make them clearer and more complete.  I added one important patient story I had forgotten about.  I also added another family tale.

I decided to use my personal death experiences to frame the ones I witnessed with patients.  There are several ghost stories.  One chapter involves a UFO.  A couple involve technology that transcends its electronic brain to send a difference message.  Many are stories of extraordinary love and courage.  Others involve a twist of fate to lead me to an extraordinary moment.

My husband Jim designed the cover of the book using a photography of a rainbow he took in Sedona last year when we were visiting friends.  Three of the stories include a rainbow.  My friend Norma meticulously copy read the entire book for me.

My book is finally here!  I feel it is the next step in my life adventure of both creativity and service.

“There’s Always a Miracle: True Stories of Life Before and After Death.”  $19.95.  Black Triangle Press, Olympia, WA.  ISBN: 978-1-5323-0396-8.

One Response

  1. Howard Batie says:

    Congratulations, Joanne! And welcome to the growing list of authors of actual experiences in the spiritual genre! I’ll watch for it on Amazon.com!
    Howard Batie

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