August has been all about the mailbox again this year. About writing a poem concise enough to fit, written, on a small square – and sent around the country and even around the world. Last year because we were in the midst of trying to sell our house, I didn’t participate, and I missed it so much. Having to write a short poem a day is great discipline for a writer and connecting with thirty-some souls who all love the poetic practice enough to submit themselves to this rigor brings blasts of encouraging, sustaining energy! It is very interesting to see how each one approaches the process of selecting the postcards, writing about the card itself, about a current problem or situation or in response to line or thought I sent them.
Summer is usually not my most productive time writing-wise. The long light-filled days goad me into action and the outdoors. I may be subconsciously storing up images for winter’s quiet contemplation but spending time with pen and paper and especially in front of a computer is so much more difficult when the weather is warm and inviting.
August’s postcards force me to confront the sun, so write with light. Perhaps to face the most obvious questions, to come head-to-head with beauty’s flagrant expression. I just wrote my last card. I have a few more to look forward to receiving. And I can collect postcards throughout the fall, winter and spring to send out next time.
Each year I have participated I have published at least one of the poems I wrote ‘as is’ and a couple more expanded from my August thoughts. And I have made at least one new poet connection that has enriched my life as a poet and a person.
Thank you to Paul and Lana for getting this program going. And to Cascadia for keep it alive and expanding for more than 10 years! I encourage all my fellow versifiers to be part of the Fest in 2019. I’ll look for you on my list next year! Go to: