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Joanne the Poet - The Poetry of Joanne M. Clarkson

Archive for the ‘Publications’ Category

Two Poems in Ice Cream Poems Anthology!

My poems “Melting Point” and “Sweet Demons” are included in the new Ice Cream anthology from World Enough Writers, an imprint of Concrete Wolf press.  Patricia Fargnoli is the editor. …Read More »


My poem “Hemlock at Ten” is just out in vol. 4, Issue 4, Winter 2016 of CATAMARAN Literary Reader.  This is a glossy, magazine-sized journal that I first encountered in…Read More »

“Bloodstone” Appears in Edge

Another poem about my Grandmother Esther Monson Erdman appears in Volume 10 of EDGE, publication of Tahoe Writers Works, 2016.  This one was inspired by a garnet ring, my birthstone,…Read More »

Two Poems on Modern Poetry Review Website

Two of my poems, “Atropos the Fate Dismantles Her Own Altar” and “Transmogrify” are available to view on Modern Poetry Review’s website under Fall Winter 2016.  The first poem is…Read More »