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Joanne the Poet - The Poetry of Joanne M. Clarkson

Archive for the ‘Publications’ Category

San Pedro River Review

San Pedro River Review, Spring 2014 “Work” issue. My poem is called “Farmer’s Child” and is about seeing the land my grandfather used to farm, that he lost during the…Read More »

Naugatuck River Review

Naugatuck River Review: a journal of narrative poetry that sings. Winter 2014. My poem, “Last Chorus,” included here was a finalist for the annual contest. I wrote this poem for…Read More »

The Midwest Quarterly Fall 2013

The Midwest Quarterly Fall 2013. Theme: The Living and the Dead. Two poems: “Red Wind Breaker” (based on a news story about a boy who drowned in a rip tide…Read More »

The Examined Life Journal

The Examined Life Journal from the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine. Fall 2013. I have two poems in this issue: “Moment of Knowing” a tribute to a caregiver…Read More »